Privacy Policy

Be-Wide Online Solutions Ltd (The "Be-Wide") the entity responsible for the site values ​​the privacy of its members and in this sense is committed to respecting it, ensuring the confidentiality and protection of data entered by users.

This Statement of Privacy has the intention to ensure that users condition Security and Privacy, and only request and collect the data necessary to provide the service, by the explicit instructions on the site. The user has full freedom to access your data, and correct or eliminate them.


Company: Be-Wide Online Solutions Ltd
NIF: 514441925
Contact Charge of Data Protection:


The Law of Personal Data Protection (hereinafter "LPDP") and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on "RGPD") ensure the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

In legal terms is considered "personal data" any information of any type, regardless of their support, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, so that the protection does not cover the data of legal persons.

Upon acceptance of this Privacy Policy, the user gives their informed consent, express, free and clear so that the personal data provided through the site are included in the MTC responsibility of the file whose treatment under LPDP and RGPD meets the security measures appropriate techniques and organizational.

The MTC maintains a database with the registration of their customers. The data present on this basis are only the data provided by them at the time of registration, being collected and processed automatically, as approved by the National Data Protection Commission, the MTC, which is responsible for the corresponding file.

In no event shall requested information on philosophical or political beliefs, party or trade union affiliation, religious faith, privacy and racial or ethnic origin as well as data concerning health or sex life, including genetic information.

In no case, we will carry out any of the following activities with the personal data we are provided through this site:

Give to other persons or other entities without the prior consent of the data subject;

Personal data that we treat through this page will only be used for the following purposes:

(I) Order Budget;
(Ii) Communication with customers and answering questions;
(Iii) Processing requests for information;
(Iv) Processing claims;
(V) statistical analysis activities;
(Vi) verify, maintain and develop systems and statistical analysis;
(Vii) Direct Marketing communications (if you have consented to the processing of personal data for this purpose);
(Viii) Prevention and combating fraud;
(Ix) Request for comments on products or services purchased;
(X) Conducting satisfaction surveys.
The MTC guarantees the confidentiality of all data supplied by its customers. Notwithstanding the MTC proceeds to the collection and processing of data securely and prevents their loss or manipulation using the most refined techniques for this purpose, we inform you that the collection in the open network allows the movement of personal data without conditions safety, running the risk of being seen and used by unauthorized third parties.

The Website It has a chatIn which users can post questions and thus make better use of all MTC offers. If users provide personal data to the MTC through said chat, They will not be used for any purpose different from what is requested by the user.

On the other hand, you consent that you can access information at the service contracted with the MTC in order to be able to offer you additional services to the contractor.

During the collection of personal data, except in fields where otherwise stated, the user may voluntarily provide personal data without the lack of response implies a decrease in the quality or quantity of corresponding services (unless otherwise indicated). Nevertheless, the lack of response to the data, considered mandatory, will lead to the inability to access the service for which the data were requested.

If you disagree with the above conditions, the MTC may not contract with the user through its Web page.


In order to be able to comply with the object of this website, MTC will give your personal data to other entities, which will handle, it for the following purposes:

Activities of management and payment processing;
Provision of contracted services.
Entities to whom the MTC will transfer their personal data to the deal as defined above have the following nature:

Insurance companies;
Entities management and payment processing;
The 3rd entity related to the provision of contracted services.

The data collected by MTC can be transferred and stored in a destination outside the European Economic Area ( "EEA"). By submitting your personal data, you consent to this transfer, storing or processing.

All information provided to the MTC is stored safely on our servers, and/or servers of our service providers, who may be located in countries outside the European Economic Area ( "EEA"). We take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.


The MTC states that implemented and continues to implement the security measures of technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data that may be provided in order to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment and/or unauthorized access, taking into account the current state of technology, the nature of data stored and the risks they are exposed.

O MTC garante a confidencialidade de todos os dados fornecidos pelos seus clientes quer no registo, quer no processo de compra/encomenda de produtos ou serviços. A recolha e tratamento de dados realiza-se de forma segura e que impede a sua perda ou manipulação. Todos os dados serão inseridos num Servidor Seguro (SSL de 128 bits) que os encripta/codifica (transforma num código). O utilizador poderá verificar que o seu browser é seguro se o símbolo do cadeado aparecer ou se o endereço começar com https em vez de http.

Personal data is treated with the legally required level of protection to ensure their safety and avoid alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, given the state of technology, being conscious user and accepting that measures of Internet security are not impregnable.

The MTC whenever access to any personal data, is committed to:

Store them through security measures legally required, technical and organizational nature that ensure their safety, thus avoiding alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the state of technology in every moment, nature of the data and the possible risks to which they are exposed;
Use the data only for previously defined purposes;
Make sure that the data is processed solely by workers whose intervention is necessary for the provision of the service being required to the same duty of secrecy and confidentiality. With the possibility of the information being disclosed to third parties, they should be obliged to maintain appropriate confidentiality under the provisions herein.


One of the purposes for which we treat personal data provided by users is to send electronic communications with information relating to commercial and promotional communications.

Whenever we make a statement of this kind will be directed exclusively to users who have previously authorized and expressly.

According to the provisions of Decree-Law No. 7/2004, of January 7, if the user wishes to stop receiving commercial or promotional communications from MTC, you can request the opposition of the service by sending an email for:


According to the provisions of LDPD and RGPD, the user can exercise at any time their rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability, by request for any of the following means:


If the user wishes, at any time, to no longer be part of the MTC database may exercise this right through these contacts.

Latest update: August 27, 2024